The Going Green and Smart Blog

December 6, 2007, 5:32 am
Filed under: Thursday Thirteen | Tags:


13 Things That Are The Color Green:

  1. Crayons
  2. Grass
  3. Play-doh
  4. Nail Polish
  5. Mold
  6. Leaves
  7. Mt. Dew
  8. Frogs
  9. Land Rovers
  10. St. Patty’s Day
  11. XBox 360 (on my wish list)
  12. Teenage Mutent Ninja Turtles-Turtles in a half shell-Ninja Power
  13. Christmas Trees

Now go and spread the Thursday 13 love.

Thursday Thirteen–my first
November 30, 2007, 6:01 am
Filed under: Thursday Thirteen | Tags: ,


13 Simple things you and your family can do to help the earth

  1. Turn off your lights when no one is in the room
  2. Use cloth diapers
  3. Turn off water when brushing your teeth
  4. Work close to your home
  5. Car pool with people at your work
  6. Turn off water when you are not rinsing yourself off in the shower
  7. Unplug some of your electronics that use “phantom” power
  8. Have a campfire night with your fireplace–turn off the lites and turn on your fire and s’mores
  9. Buy water saving toilet
  10. Buy long lasting lightbulbs
  11. Re-use plastic containers
  12. Read e-paper instead of paper paper
  13. Do one great big errand trip instead of a bunch of little ones

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